329 research outputs found


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    Broadband services today demand outstanding performance of the broadband networks to carry huge traffic and, at the same time, to detect an interruption due to network element failures and to survive from that critical condition. In a Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) network with data rate of 100 Gbps (or even nearly 50 Tbps), the impact on the link or node failure is exacerbated by the extremely-high volume of traffic. An interruption means a huge revenue loss. Thus, optical link survivability has an imperative role in the failure handling in high-speed optical networks. The optical network restoration is categorized into three types: link, path and subpath restoration. In optical network survivability, link-based and subpath-based restorations have been discussed in many papers. One problem of all those restorations is that a connection would be dropped due to the unavailable network resources. This thesis proposes Link-Based and Subpath-Based Hybrid Restoration scheme (LINKSPATH). It is a hybrid restoration scheme formed by two well-known restoration methods, the link-based and subpath-based methods. Both restoration schemes utilize Dijkstra algorithm in calculating shortest route (of link-based) and shortest subpath (of subpath-based) and are run in parallel. All alternative routes and subpath are pre-calculated in connection setup session. LINKSPATH also calculates recovery time for both alternative route and subpath. The calculation results of these two methods are compared and stored in a buffer as two options with different priority. In case of a link failure occurs, the connection is rerouted to the previously calculated backup route or subpath. LINKSPATH applies a selection process to choose a pre-calculated backup route with the smallest recovery time and tag it as primary backup and secondary backup for the other one. In case of the primary backup is unavailable the secondary backup then takes the role. In worst case, the second backup route or path might be unavailable as well, due to another link failure or node device failures. In this condition the traffic would be dropped and retransmission request would be sent to the source node. In this paper, the retransmission is assumed to be an end-to-end path-based restoration and would be compared to LINKSPATH to see the significance of this hybrid scheme. In the experiment, 16 nodes and 22 bidirectional links NSFNET network model was used. The experiment shows that the LINKSPATH scheme has maximum restoration time of 122,40 ms and minimum value of 23.36 ms with the average restoration time of 72.27 milliseconds. The maximum delay due to LINKSPATH restoration is 148.87 ms, which is below 200 milliseconds of ANSI TR1.TR.68-2001 standard. This indicates that LINKSPATH would not jeopardy communication. Most of LINKSPATH restorations have single alternative route, rather than two routes. Very small part of restorations with two alternative routes have full-backup redundancy. This means the full redundancy for all restorations as main objective could not be achieved. Most of restorations utilized subpath-based rather than link-based. It is due to backhauling of link-based method (in some cases) and the system default which takes subpath-based when both methods result the same restoration time. However, both methods have had a role as backups to each other. Compared to link-based and subpath-based individual performance, LINKSPATH achieved larger number of restorations with significance over retransmission time more than twofold and threefold. It is proven that LINKSPATH type of hybrid scheme has better performance than the forming methods. The ratio of retransmission to LINKSPATH restoration time has to be more than one. If not, then it would reduce the effectiveness of the sceheme. From the experiment, LINKSPATH effectiveness is only 78.62%. This means 21.38% of all restorations have larger restoration time compared to retransmission

    Islamic Stock Overreaction Phenomenon on Financial Statement: An Event Study

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    The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is an overreaction phenomenon in the announcement of financial statements during the observation period. The sample used in this study are stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) category during the 2016-2018 period. T test results on the winner category stock prior to the announcement of the financial statement event which AAR value tends to be negative then AAR changed to positive on the date of the announcement of financial statements. On the contrary, AAR was seen to remain positive and statistically significant even to the 10th day after the announcement of the financial statements. After the announcement of the financial statements, investors do not appear to correct stock prices as an indication that they have overreacted. It’s shows that there was no reversal after the announcement of the financial statements. AAR loser and winner shares did not experience a reversal after the announcement of the financial statements. Results indicate that there is no overreaction phenomenon in the announcement of financial statements on the Indonesia Stock Exchang

    KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL ANTARA GURU DAN PESERTA DIDIK (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Guru dan Murid Pada Proses Pembentukan Karakter Budaya Jawa Sejak Dini di PAUD Amongsiwi, Desa Pandes, Bantul, Yogyakarta)

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    ABSTRAK Satria Sakti Utama. POLA KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL ANTARA GURU DAN PESERTA DIDIK (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Guru dan Murid di PAUD Amongsiwi pada Proses Pembentukan Karakter Budaya Sejak Dini) Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Juli 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui pola komunikasi interpesonal dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar antara guru dan siswa pada PAUD Amongsiwi dalam proses pembentukan dan pelestarian kebudayaan sejak dini. (2) Mengetahui cara yang dilakukan guru dalam membentuk dan melestarikan kebudayaan kepada anak sejak dini di PAUD Amongsiwi. (3) Mengetahui hambatan yang terjadi di PAUD Amongsiwi dalam membentuk dan melestarikan kebudayan kepada anak sejak dini. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan terdiri dari informan, tempat dan peristiwa, serta dokumen. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik sampel bertujuan (purposive sampling). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi langsung. Untuk mengukur validitas data digunakan triangulasi data. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Kegiatan belajar mengajar di PAUD Amongsiwi terdiri dari tiga fase yaitu, Fase pembukaan, Fase Inti, dan Fase penutup. (2) Pola komunikasi interpersonal guru antara peserta didik dalam proses belajar mengajar terdiri dari tiga pola komunikasi interpersonal, yaitu: (a) Pola komunikasi satu arah, (b) pola komunikasi dua arah, dan (c) pola komunikasi multi arah, (3) Metode pembelajaran yang sering digunakan di PAUD Amongsiwi antara lain, (a) Ceramah, (b) Bermain, (b) Tanya Jawab, dan (d) Bercerita.(4) Gangguan yang menghambat komunikasi antara guru dan peserta didik, antara lain : (a) Minimnya konsentrasi dan respon. (b) Kurangnya kemampuan berkomunikasi peserta didik. (c) Adanya perasaan malu dan takut yang menyelimuti diri siswa untuk berkomunikasi dengan guru dalam proses belajar mengajar. Cara mengatasi kendala komunikasi tersebut antara lain : (a) Melakukan variasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar sehingga konsentrasi peserta didik dapat terfokus. (b) Guru juga harus melakukan pendekatan pada peserta didik dan memberikan pengertian kepada anak dengan berulang-ulang. Kata Kunci :Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal, Komunikasi Interpersonal guru dan peserta didik, komunikasi ABSTRACT Satria Sakti Utama. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PATTERNS BETWEEN TEACHERS and LEARNERS (Descriptive Qualitative study of Interpersonal Communication Patterns Between teacher and student in PAUD Amongsiwi on the process of the formation of Cultural Character early on) Skripsi, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, July 2013. This research aims to: (1) find out the communication pattern interpesonal in teaching and learning activities between teachers and students in the PAUD Amongsiwi in the process of formation and preservation of culture early on. (2) knowing how committed teachers in shaping and preserving the culture of the early stages in the OLD Amongsiwi. (3) Acknowledge the obstacles that occur in OLD Amongsiwi in shaping and preserving culture to the children early on. The form used is qualitative research, whereas the method used is descriptive qualitative methods. The data source that is used consists of the informant, places and events, as well as documents. The sampling technique used is a sample technique aims (purposive sampling). Data collection techniques used are interviews, direct observation. To measure the validity of data used triangulation of the data. Data analysis techniques using interactive analysis models. The research results showed that: (1) teaching and learning activities in Amongsiwi PAUD and consists of three phases, namely, opening phase, a phase of the core, and the closing Phase. ( 2 ) pattern teacher interpersonal communication between learners in learning process consisting of three pattern interpersonal communication, namely: (a) the pattern of one-way communication, (b) the pattern of two-way communication, and (c) the communication pattern multi direction. (3) learning methods that are commonly used in PAUD Amongsiwi among other things: (a) lecture, (b) Talk play, (b) frequently asked questions, and (d) telling stories. (4) Disorders that hinder communication between teachers and learners, among others: (a) lack of concentration and response. (b) lack of ability to communicate learners. (c) the existence of a feeling of shame and fear blanketed themselves students to communicate with the teacher in the teaching and learning process. How to overcome communication barriers include: (a) the variation in the teaching and learning activities so that learners can be focused concentration. (b) the teacher should also approach on learners and provide understanding to the child with over and over again. Key words: Interpersonal Communication Patterns, Interpersonal Communication of teachers and learners, communication


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    Unemployment is one of the employment problems facing Indonesia. Central Java Province is one of the provinces with a high enough unemployment. The main indicators used to measure the unemployment rate in the labor force that is unemployed. Based on research Arianie (2012) labor force participation rate significantly affect the unemployment rate and based on research Sari (2012) the gross enrollment ratio significantly affects the rate of open unemployment. Therefore, in this study using the two predictor variables with the labor force participation rate as X1 and gross enrollment rate as X2. This study aimed to explore the model of open unemployment rate in the Province of Central Java. The method used is the method of spline regression. Spline regression has the ability to adapt more effectively to the data patterns up or down dramatically with the help of dots knots. Determination of the optimal point knots are very influential in determining the best spline models. The best spline models are models that have a minimum GCV (Generalized Cross Validation) Value. Best spline models for the analysis of the data rate of unemployment in Central Java Province is the spline regression model when order X1 is 2 and order X2 is 4 and large number of knots in the X1 is 1 knot at the point 68.02394 and X2 is 3 knots at the point 82.13, 87.19, and 87.65 with GCV value of 1.732746. Keywords: Rate of Open Unemployment, Spline Regression, GC

    Asymmetric Decentralization in Aceh: Institutionalization of Conflict of Interest by Elites of GAM

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    This article explains an institutionalization of conflicts in the implementation of special autonomy in Aceh Province. In general, one of the objectives of implementing the asymmetric decentralization policy is to resolve the problem of national integration between Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Government of Indonesia. However, the implementation of asymmetric decentralization in Aceh Province presents a different phenomenon. Although there is conflict resolution between GAM and the Government of Indonesia, the conflict dynamics change into a conflict of interest between GAM elites at the local level as part of the dynamics of electoral politics. This article is based on a literature study on secondary data to understand the electoral politics process has evolved to be a medium for institutionalizing conflict after the separatism movement in Aceh. This article shows that the understanding of asymmetric decentralization in Aceh Province not only served as a solution to the conflict between GAM and the Indonesian Government but also became a medium for institutionalizing conflict between GAM’s elite exponents through local elections in 2006–2017

    Simulasi Perancangan Filter Analog Chebyshev Tipe I Menggunakan MATLAB

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    Penggunaan rangkaian filter banyak dipakai di dalam sistem Telekomunikasi. Digunakan teknik simulasi dalam perancangan filter. Rancangan filter dengan simulasi ini bertujuan untuk dapat menghasilkan tanggapan filter Chebyshev dan mendapatkan besaran induktor dan kapasitor yang diperlukan untuk merancang penyaring (filter). Simulasi ini memakai Graphical User Interface (GUI). Hasil simulasi tersebut didapatkan tanggapan Chebyshev untuk LPF (Low Pass Filter), HPF(High Pass Filter), BPF (Band Pass Filter) dan BSF (Band Stop Filter) dan sesuai teori respon filter Chebyshev. Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk simulasi tersebut menggunakan Electronic Work Bench (EWB), menunjukkan frekuensi yang bergesersenilai 0,1kH
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